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About THE

THE MUN 2013 is an academic simulation of the United Nations that will discuss issues that currently plague the world. Our aim is to foster a constructive forum for open dialogue on global issues and it is designed to acquaint its participants with the nations of the world community, their policies, and the problems that arise as these nations attempt to coexist. The nature of THE MUN makes it very relevant to the student communities, members of which are the potential leaders of tomorrow and who shall be influenced by issues around them and in the world at large.

THE MUN is a concept which we, the Secretariat, came up with because we wanted MUNs to once again be as they used to be “Old School”, where focus was on research and debate. The research and preparation required the adoption of views and attitudes other than their own. The debate involved brilliant oratory and logical reasoning which when combined with involvement and interaction with fellow delegates made MUNs the ideal platform for the youth of today. That was the essence of MUNing as we had understood it and that is what we aim to simulate.

So Delegates put on your suits and your thinking hats and come debate, deliberate and argue, because victoria concordia crescit.

Peace, Power, Persevere

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